Refactor python server into more manageable pieces

This commit is contained in:
Saphire 2024-07-17 01:25:50 +06:00
parent eb25fa0ba4
commit 6ba66ca889
Signed by: Saphire
GPG Key ID: B26EB7A1F07044C4
10 changed files with 585 additions and 573 deletions

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ FROM alpine:3
COPY --from=builder /app/dist /app/dist
RUN apk add --no-cache python3 py3-pip py3-pyldap py3-pytoml \
&& pip3 install --break-system-packages python-dotenv Quart
COPY /app/
COPY /server/ /server/ /app/

View File

@ -1,572 +0,0 @@
from quart import request
from ldap.modlist import addModlist, modifyModlist
import asyncio, base64, quart, functools, io, ldap, ldif, sys, types
from typing import *
app = quart.Quart(__name__, static_folder='dist')
# Constant to add technical attributes in LDAP search results
# HTTP 401 headers
UNAUTHORIZED = { 'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Login Required", charset="UTF-8"' }
# Special fields
PHOTO = ['jpegPhoto', 'thumbnailPhoto']
PASSWORDS = ('userPassword',)
# Special syntaxes
def connected(view: Callable):
'Connect to LDAP'
async def wrapped_view(**values):
# Set up LDAP connection
url = app.config['LDAP_URL']
request.ldap = ldap.initialize(url)
# #43 TLS, see
if app.config['USE_TLS'] or app.config['INSECURE_TLS']:
cert_level = ldap.OPT_X_TLS_NEVER \
if app.config['INSECURE_TLS'] \
else ldap.OPT_X_TLS_DEMAND
request.ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, cert_level)
# See
request.ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_NEWCTX, 0)
if not url.startswith('ldaps://'): request.ldap.start_tls_s()
# On success, call the view function and release connection
data = await view(**values)
return data
except ldap.LDAPError as err:
args = err.args[0]
quart.abort(500, args.get('info', '')
+ ': ' + args.get('desc', ''))
return wrapped_view
def authenticated(view: Callable):
'Require simple_bind() authentication for a view'
async def wrapped_view(**values):
get_dn = app.config['GET_BIND_DN']
dn = get_dn(request.authorization) if get_dn else None
if dn is None and request.authorization is None:
# Try authenticating
get_passwd = app.config['GET_BIND_PASSWORD']
await empty(request.ldap.simple_bind(
dn or await search_user_by_attr(),
# On success, call the view function
return await view(**values)
return quart.Response(
'Please log in', 401, UNAUTHORIZED)
return wrapped_view
async def search_user_by_attr():
'Search for the login DN with a given user name'
get_dn_filter = app.config['GET_BIND_DN_FILTER']
dn, _attrs = await unique(
return dn
except ValueError:
'desc': 'Invalid user',
'info': "User '%s' unknown" % request.authorization.username})
def no_cache(view: types.FunctionType) -> quart.Response:
'View decorator to prevent browser caching. Must precede @api.'
async def wrapped_view(**values) -> quart.Response:
resp = await view(**values)
resp.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate'
resp.headers['Pragma'] = 'no-cache'
resp.headers['Expires'] = '0'
return resp
return wrapped_view
def api(view: Callable) -> quart.Response:
''' View decorator for JSON endpoints.
Forces authentication.
async def wrapped_view(**values) -> quart.Response:
data = await connected(authenticated(view))(**values)
if type(data) is not quart.Response:
data = quart.jsonify(data)
return data
return wrapped_view
async def result(msgid: int,) -> AsyncGenerator[Tuple[str, Dict[str, List[bytes]]], None]:
'Concurrently gather results'
while True:
r_type, r_data = request.ldap.result(msgid=msgid, all=0, timeout=0)
# Throttle to 100 results / second
if r_type is None: await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
elif r_data == []: break
else: yield r_data[0]
async def unique(msgid: int) -> Tuple[str, Dict[str, List[bytes]]]:
'Concurrently collect a unique result'
res = None
async for r in result(msgid):
if res is None: res = r
raise ValueError("Expected unique result")
if res is None:
raise ValueError("Expected unique result")
return res
async def empty(msgid: int) -> None:
'Concurrently wait for an empty result'
async for r in result(msgid):
raise ValueError("Unexpected result")
async def index() -> quart.Response:
'Serve the main page'
return await static_file('index.html')
async def static_file(filename: str) -> quart.Response:
'Serve static assets'
return await app.send_static_file(filename)
async def whoami() -> str:
'DN of the current user'
return request.ldap.whoami_s().replace('dn:', '')
async def tree(basedn: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
'List directory entries'
scope = ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL
if basedn == 'base':
scope = ldap.SCOPE_BASE
basedn = app.config['BASE_DN']
return await _tree(basedn, scope)
async def _tree(basedn: str, scope: int) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
'Get all nodes below a DN (including the DN) within the given scope'
return [ { 'dn': dn,
'structuralObjectClass' : attrs['structuralObjectClass'][0].decode(),
'hasSubordinates': b'TRUE' == attrs['hasSubordinates'][0] }
async for dn, attrs in result(
basedn, scope, attrlist=WITH_OPERATIONAL_ATTRS)) ]
def _entry(res: Tuple[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
'Prepare an LDAP entry for transmission'
dn, attrs = res
ocs = set([oc.decode() for oc in attrs['objectClass']])
must_attrs, _may_attrs = app.schema.attribute_types(ocs)
soc = [oc.names[0]
for oc in map(lambda o: app.schema.get_obj(ldap.schema.models.ObjectClass, o), ocs)
if oc.kind == 0]
aux = set(app.schema.get_obj(ldap.schema.models.ObjectClass, a).names[0]
for a in app.schema.get_applicable_aux_classes(soc[0]))
#23 suppress userPassword
if 'userPassword' in attrs:
attrs['userPassword'] = [b'*****']
# Filter out binary attributes
binary = set()
for attr in attrs:
obj = app.schema.get_obj(ldap.schema.models.AttributeType, attr)
# Octet strings are not used consistently.
# Try to decode as text and treat as binary on failure
if not obj.syntax or obj.syntax == OCTET_STRING:
for val in attrs[attr]:
assert val.decode().isprintable()
else: # Check human-readable flag in schema
syntax = app.schema.get_obj(ldap.schema.models.LDAPSyntax, obj.syntax)
if syntax.not_human_readable: binary.add(attr)
return {
'attrs': { k: [base64.b64encode(val).decode()
if k in binary else val.decode()
for val in values]
for k, values in attrs.items() },
'meta': {
'dn': dn,
'required': [app.schema.get_obj(ldap.schema.models.AttributeType, a).names[0]
for a in must_attrs],
'aux': sorted(aux - ocs),
'binary': sorted(binary),
'hints': {}, # FIXME obsolete?
'autoFilled': [],
@app.route('/api/entry/<path:dn>', methods=('GET', 'POST', 'DELETE', 'PUT'))
async def entry(dn: str) -> Optional[dict]:
'Edit directory entries'
if request.is_json:
json = await request.get_json()
# Copy JSON payload into a dictionary of non-empty byte strings
req = { k: [s.encode() for s in filter(None, v)]
for k,v in json.items()
if k not in PHOTO
and (k not in PASSWORDS or request.method == 'PUT') }
if request.method == 'GET':
return _entry(await unique(, ldap.SCOPE_BASE)))
except ValueError:
return None
elif request.method == 'POST':
# Get previous values from directory
res = await unique(, ldap.SCOPE_BASE))
mods = { k: v for k, v in res[1].items() if k in req }
modlist = modifyModlist(mods, req)
if modlist: # Apply changes and send changed keys back
await empty(request.ldap.modify(dn, modlist))
return { 'changed' : sorted(set(m[1] for m in modlist)) }
elif request.method == 'PUT':
# Create new object
modlist = addModlist(req)
if modlist: await empty(request.ldap.add(dn, modlist))
return { 'changed' : ['dn'] } # Dummy
elif request.method == 'DELETE':
for entry in reversed(sorted(await _tree(dn, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE), key=_dn_order)):
await empty(request.ldap.delete(entry['dn']))
return None # for mypy
@app.route('/api/blob/<attr>/<int:index>/<path:dn>', methods=('GET', 'DELETE', 'PUT'))
async def blob(attr: str, index: int, dn: str):
_dn, attrs = await unique(, ldap.SCOPE_BASE))
except ValueError:
if request.method == 'GET':
if attr not in attrs or len(attrs[attr]) <= index:
resp = quart.Response(attrs[attr][index],
resp.headers['Content-Disposition'] = \
'attachment; filename="%s-%d.bin"' % (attr, index)
return resp
elif request.method == 'PUT':
data = [(await request.files)['blob'].read()]
if attr in attrs: await empty(
request.ldap.modify(dn, [(1, attr, None), (0, attr, data + attrs[attr])]))
else: await empty(request.ldap.modify(dn, [(0, attr, data)]))
elif request.method == 'DELETE':
if attr not in attrs or len(attrs[attr]) <= index:
await empty(request.ldap.modify(dn, [(1, attr, None)]))
data = attrs[attr][:index] + attrs[attr][index + 1:]
if data: await empty(request.ldap.modify(dn, [(0, attr, data)]))
return { 'changed' : [attr] } # dummy
async def ldifDump(dn: str) -> quart.Response:
'Dump an entry as LDIF'
out = io.StringIO()
writer = ldif.LDIFWriter(out)
async for dn, attrs in result(, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE)):
writer.unparse(dn, attrs)
resp = quart.Response(out.getvalue(), content_type='text/plain')
resp.headers['Content-Disposition'] = \
'attachment; filename="%s.ldif"' % dn.split(',')[0].split('=')[1]
return resp
class LDIFReader(ldif.LDIFParser):
def __init__(self, input, con):
ldif.LDIFParser.__init__(self, io.BytesIO(input))
self.count = 0
self.con = con
def handle(self, dn, entry):
self.con.add_s(dn, addModlist(entry))
self.count += 1
@app.route('/api/ldif', methods=('POST',))
async def ldifUpload() -> quart.Response:
'Import LDIF'
reader = LDIFReader(await, request.ldap)
return reader.count
@app.route('/api/rename', methods=('POST',))
async def rename() -> None:
'Rename an entry'
args = await request.get_json()
await empty(request.ldap.rename(args['dn'], args['rdn'], delold=0))
return 'OK'
def _ename(entry: dict) -> Optional[str]:
'Try to extract a CN'
return entry['cn'][0].decode() if 'cn' in entry and entry['cn'] else None
@app.route('/api/entry/password/<path:dn>', methods=('POST',))
async def passwd(dn: str) -> Optional[bool]:
'Edit directory entries'
if request.is_json:
args = await request.get_json()
if 'check' in args:
con = ldap.initialize(app.config['LDAP_URL'])
con.simple_bind_s(dn, args['check'])
return True
return False
elif 'new1' in args:
if args['new1']:
await empty(request.ldap.passwd(dn, args.get('old') or None, args['new1']))
_dn, attrs = await unique(, ldap.SCOPE_BASE))
return attrs['userPassword'][0].decode()
await empty(request.ldap.modify(dn, [(1, 'userPassword', None)]))
return ''
return None # mypy
async def search(query: str) -> List[dict]:
'Search the directory'
patterns = app.config['SEARCH_PATTERNS']
if len(query) < app.config['SEARCH_QUERY_MIN']: return []
if '=' in query: # Search specific attributes
if '(' not in query: query = '(%s)' % query
else: # Build default query
query = '(|%s)' % ''.join(p % query for p in patterns)
# Collect results
res : List[dict] = []
async for dn, attrs in result(
app.config['BASE_DN'], ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, query)):
res.append({ 'dn': dn, 'name': _ename(attrs) or dn })
if len(res) >= app.config['SEARCH_MAX']: break
return res
def _dn_order(node):
'Reverse DN parts for tree ordering'
return tuple(reversed(node['dn'].lower().split(',')))
async def subtree(dn: str) -> List[str]:
'List the subtree below a dn'
result, start = [], len(dn.split(','))
for node in sorted(await _tree(dn, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE), key=_dn_order):
if node['dn'] == dn: continue
node['level'] = len(node['dn'].split(',')) - start
return result
async def attribute_range(attribute: str) -> List[int]:
'List all values for a numeric attribute of an objectClass like uidNumber or gidNumber'
res = set()
async for dn, attrs in result(
app.config['BASE_DN'], ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, '(%s=*)' % attribute, attrlist=(attribute,))):
if not res: return {}
minimum, maximum = min(res), max(res)
return { 'min' : minimum, 'max': maximum,
'next' : min(set(range(minimum, maximum + 2)) - res) }
### LDAP Schema ###
app.schema = None
def _schema(schema_class):
'Get all objects from the schema for type'
for oid in app.schema.listall(schema_class):
obj = app.schema.get_obj(schema_class, oid)
if schema_class is ldap.schema.models.LDAPSyntax or not obj.obsolete:
yield obj
def _el(obj) -> dict:
'Basic information about an schema element'
name = obj.names[0]
return {
'oid' : obj.oid,
'name' : name[:1].lower() + name[1:],
'names' : obj.names,
'desc' : obj.desc,
'obsolete' : bool(obj.obsolete),
'sup' : sorted(obj.sup),
# Object class constants
0: 'structural',
1: 'abstract',
2: 'auxiliary',
def _oc(obj) -> dict:
'Additional information about an object class'
r = _el(obj)
'may' : sorted(obj.may),
'must' : sorted(obj.must),
'kind' : SCHEMA_OC_KIND[obj.kind]
return r
# Attribute usage constants
0: 'userApplications',
1: 'directoryOperation',
2: 'distributedOperation',
3: 'dSAOperation',
def _at(obj) -> dict:
'Additional information about an attribute'
r = _el(obj)
'single_value' : bool(obj.single_value),
'no_user_mod' : bool(obj.no_user_mod),
'usage' : SCHEMA_ATTR_USAGE[obj.usage],
# FIXME avoid null values below
'equality' : obj.equality,
'syntax' : obj.syntax,
'substr' : obj.substr,
'ordering' : obj.ordering,
return r
def _syntax(obj) -> dict:
'Additional information about an attribute syntax'
return {
'oid' : obj.oid,
'desc' : obj.desc,
'not_human_readable' : bool(obj.not_human_readable),
def _dict(key: str, items) -> dict:
'Create an dictionary with a given key'
return { obj[key].lower() : obj for obj in items }
async def schema() -> dict:
'Dump the schema'
# Load schema into the app
if app.schema is None:
# See:
_dn, subschema_entry = await unique(['SCHEMA_DN'],
# See:
app.schema = ldap.schema.SubSchema(subschema_entry, check_uniqueness=2)
return dict(attributes = _dict('name', map(_at,
objectClasses = _dict('name', map(_oc,
syntaxes = _dict('oid', map(_syntax,

server/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
from quart import request
from ldap.modlist import addModlist, modifyModlist
import asyncio, base64, quart, io, ldap as ldaplib, ldif
from typing import *
from decorators import no_cache, api, authenticated, connected
from ldaputils import _at, _dict, _dn_order, _ename, _entry, _oc, _schema, _syntax, _tree
import ldaputils
from utils import empty, result, unique
from app_quart import app
async def index() -> quart.Response:
'Serve the main page'
return await static_file('index.html')
async def static_file(filename: str) -> quart.Response:
'Serve static assets'
return await app.send_static_file(filename)
async def whoami() -> str:
'DN of the current user'
return request.ldap.whoami_s().replace('dn:', '')
async def tree(basedn: str) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
'List directory entries'
scope = ldaplib.SCOPE_ONELEVEL
if basedn == 'base':
scope = ldaplib.SCOPE_BASE
basedn = app.config['BASE_DN']
return await _tree(basedn, scope)
@app.route('/api/entry/<path:dn>', methods=('GET', 'POST', 'DELETE', 'PUT'))
async def entry(dn: str) -> Optional[dict]:
'Edit directory entries'
if request.is_json:
json = await request.get_json()
# Copy JSON payload into a dictionary of non-empty byte strings
req = { k: [s.encode() for s in filter(None, v)]
for k,v in json.items()
if k not in PHOTO
and (k not in PASSWORDS or request.method == 'PUT') }
if request.method == 'GET':
return _entry(await unique(, ldaplib.SCOPE_BASE)))
except ValueError:
return None
elif request.method == 'POST':
# Get previous values from directory
res = await unique(, ldaplib.SCOPE_BASE))
mods = { k: v for k, v in res[1].items() if k in req }
modlist = modifyModlist(mods, req)
if modlist: # Apply changes and send changed keys back
await empty(request.ldap.modify(dn, modlist))
return { 'changed' : sorted(set(m[1] for m in modlist)) }
elif request.method == 'PUT':
# Create new object
modlist = addModlist(req)
if modlist: await empty(request.ldap.add(dn, modlist))
return { 'changed' : ['dn'] } # Dummy
elif request.method == 'DELETE':
for entry in reversed(sorted(await _tree(dn, ldaplib.SCOPE_SUBTREE), key=_dn_order)):
await empty(request.ldap.delete(entry['dn']))
return None # for mypy
@app.route('/api/blob/<attr>/<int:index>/<path:dn>', methods=('GET', 'DELETE', 'PUT'))
async def blob(attr: str, index: int, dn: str):
_dn, attrs = await unique(, ldaplib.SCOPE_BASE))
except ValueError:
if request.method == 'GET':
if attr not in attrs or len(attrs[attr]) <= index:
resp = quart.Response(attrs[attr][index],
resp.headers['Content-Disposition'] = \
'attachment; filename="%s-%d.bin"' % (attr, index)
return resp
elif request.method == 'PUT':
data = [(await request.files)['blob'].read()]
if attr in attrs: await empty(
request.ldap.modify(dn, [(1, attr, None), (0, attr, data + attrs[attr])]))
else: await empty(request.ldap.modify(dn, [(0, attr, data)]))
elif request.method == 'DELETE':
if attr not in attrs or len(attrs[attr]) <= index:
await empty(request.ldap.modify(dn, [(1, attr, None)]))
data = attrs[attr][:index] + attrs[attr][index + 1:]
if data: await empty(request.ldap.modify(dn, [(0, attr, data)]))
return { 'changed' : [attr] } # dummy
async def ldifDump(dn: str) -> quart.Response:
'Dump an entry as LDIF'
out = io.StringIO()
writer = ldif.LDIFWriter(out)
async for dn, attrs in result(, ldaplib.SCOPE_SUBTREE)):
writer.unparse(dn, attrs)
resp = quart.Response(out.getvalue(), content_type='text/plain')
resp.headers['Content-Disposition'] = \
'attachment; filename="%s.ldif"' % dn.split(',')[0].split('=')[1]
return resp
class LDIFReader(ldif.LDIFParser):
def __init__(self, input, con):
ldif.LDIFParser.__init__(self, io.BytesIO(input))
self.count = 0
self.con = con
def handle(self, dn, entry):
self.con.add_s(dn, addModlist(entry))
self.count += 1
@app.route('/api/ldif', methods=('POST',))
async def ldifUpload() -> quart.Response:
'Import LDIF'
reader = LDIFReader(await, request.ldap)
return reader.count
@app.route('/api/rename', methods=('POST',))
async def rename() -> None:
'Rename an entry'
args = await request.get_json()
await empty(request.ldap.rename(args['dn'], args['rdn'], delold=0))
return 'OK'
@app.route('/api/entry/password/<path:dn>', methods=('POST',))
async def passwd(dn: str) -> Optional[bool]:
'Edit directory entries'
if request.is_json:
args = await request.get_json()
if 'check' in args:
con = ldaplib.initialize(app.config['LDAP_URL'])
con.simple_bind_s(dn, args['check'])
return True
return False
elif 'new1' in args:
if args['new1']:
await empty(request.ldap.passwd(dn, args.get('old') or None, args['new1']))
_dn, attrs = await unique(, ldaplib.SCOPE_BASE))
return attrs['userPassword'][0].decode()
await empty(request.ldap.modify(dn, [(1, 'userPassword', None)]))
return ''
return None # mypy
async def search(query: str) -> List[dict]:
'Search the directory'
patterns = app.config['SEARCH_PATTERNS']
if len(query) < app.config['SEARCH_QUERY_MIN']: return []
if '=' in query: # Search specific attributes
if '(' not in query: query = '(%s)' % query
else: # Build default query
query = '(|%s)' % ''.join(p % query for p in patterns)
# Collect results
res : List[dict] = []
async for dn, attrs in result(
app.config['BASE_DN'], ldaplib.SCOPE_SUBTREE, query)):
res.append({ 'dn': dn, 'name': _ename(attrs) or dn })
if len(res) >= app.config['SEARCH_MAX']: break
return res
async def subtree(dn: str) -> List[str]:
'List the subtree below a dn'
result, start = [], len(dn.split(','))
for node in sorted(await _tree(dn, ldaplib.SCOPE_SUBTREE), key=_dn_order):
if node['dn'] == dn: continue
node['level'] = len(node['dn'].split(',')) - start
return result
async def attribute_range(attribute: str) -> List[int]:
'List all values for a numeric attribute of an objectClass like uidNumber or gidNumber'
res = set()
async for dn, attrs in result(
app.config['BASE_DN'], ldaplib.SCOPE_SUBTREE, '(%s=*)' % attribute, attrlist=(attribute,))):
if not res: return {}
minimum, maximum = min(res), max(res)
return { 'min' : minimum, 'max': maximum,
'next' : min(set(range(minimum, maximum + 2)) - res) }
async def schema() -> dict:
'Dump the schema'
# Load schema into the app
if ldaputils.schema is None:
# See:
_dn, subschema_entry = await unique(['SCHEMA_DN'],
# See:
ldaputils.schema = ldaplib.schema.SubSchema(subschema_entry, check_uniqueness=2)
return dict(attributes = _dict('name', map(_at,
objectClasses = _dict('name', map(_oc,
syntaxes = _dict('oid', map(_syntax,

server/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
import quart
app = quart.Quart(__name__, static_folder='../dist')

server/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# Constant to add technical attributes in LDAP search results
# HTTP 401 headers
UNAUTHORIZED = { 'WWW-Authenticate': 'Bearer realm="LDAP Bind Credentials Required", charset="UTF-8"' }
# Special fields
PHOTO = ['jpegPhoto', 'thumbnailPhoto']
PASSWORDS = ('userPassword',)
# Special syntaxes

server/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
import functools
import types
from typing import Callable
import ldap
import quart
from constants import UNAUTHORIZED
from utils import empty, unique
from app_quart import app
def connected(view: Callable):
'Connect to LDAP'
async def wrapped_view(**values):
# Set up LDAP connection
url = app.config['LDAP_URL']
quart.request.ldap = ldap.initialize(url)
# #43 TLS, see
if app.config['USE_TLS'] or app.config['INSECURE_TLS']:
cert_level = ldap.OPT_X_TLS_NEVER \
if app.config['INSECURE_TLS'] \
else ldap.OPT_X_TLS_DEMAND
quart.request.ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, cert_level)
# See
quart.request.ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_NEWCTX, 0)
if not url.startswith('ldaps://'): quart.request.ldap.start_tls_s()
# On success, call the view function and release connection
data = await view(**values)
return data
except ldap.LDAPError as err:
args = err.args[0]
quart.abort(500, args.get('info', '')
+ ': ' + args.get('desc', ''))
return wrapped_view
def no_cache(view: types.FunctionType) -> quart.Response:
'View decorator to prevent browser caching. Must precede @api.'
async def wrapped_view(**values) -> quart.Response:
resp = await view(**values)
resp.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate'
resp.headers['Pragma'] = 'no-cache'
resp.headers['Expires'] = '0'
return resp
return wrapped_view
async def search_user_by_attr():
'Search for the login DN with a given user name'
get_dn_filter = app.config['GET_BIND_DN_FILTER']
dn, _attrs = await unique(
return dn
except ValueError:
'desc': 'Invalid user',
'info': "User '%s' unknown" % quart.request.authorization.username})
def authenticated(view: Callable):
'Require simple_bind() authentication for a view'
async def wrapped_view(**values):
get_dn = app.config['GET_BIND_DN']
dn = get_dn(quart.request.authorization) if get_dn else None
if dn is None and quart.request.authorization is None:
# Try authenticating
get_passwd = app.config['GET_BIND_PASSWORD']
await empty(quart.request.ldap.simple_bind(
dn or await search_user_by_attr(app),
# On success, call the view function
return await view(**values)
return quart.Response(
'Please log in', 401, UNAUTHORIZED)
return wrapped_view
def api(view: Callable) -> quart.Response:
''' View decorator for JSON endpoints.
Forces authentication.
async def wrapped_view(**values) -> quart.Response:
data = await connected(authenticated(view))(**values)
if type(data) is not quart.Response:
data = quart.jsonify(data)
return data
return wrapped_view

server/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
import base64
import ldap
import quart
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
from utils import result
async def _tree(basedn: str, scope: int) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
'Get all nodes below a DN (including the DN) within the given scope'
return [ { 'dn': dn,
'structuralObjectClass' : attrs['structuralObjectClass'][0].decode(),
'hasSubordinates': b'TRUE' == attrs['hasSubordinates'][0] }
async for dn, attrs in result(
basedn, scope, attrlist = WITH_OPERATIONAL_ATTRS)) ]
def _entry(res: Tuple[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
'Prepare an LDAP entry for transmission'
dn, attrs = res
ocs = set([oc.decode() for oc in attrs['objectClass']])
must_attrs, _may_attrs = schema.attribute_types(ocs)
soc = [oc.names[0]
for oc in map(lambda o: schema.get_obj(ldap.schema.models.ObjectClass, o), ocs)
if oc.kind == 0]
aux = set(schema.get_obj(ldap.schema.models.ObjectClass, a).names[0]
for a in schema.get_applicable_aux_classes(soc[0]))
#23 suppress userPassword
if 'userPassword' in attrs:
attrs['userPassword'] = [b'*****']
# Filter out binary attributes
binary = set()
for attr in attrs:
obj = schema.get_obj(ldap.schema.models.AttributeType, attr)
# Octet strings are not used consistently.
# Try to decode as text and treat as binary on failure
if not obj.syntax or obj.syntax == OCTET_STRING:
for val in attrs[attr]:
assert val.decode().isprintable()
else: # Check human-readable flag in schema
syntax = schema.get_obj(ldap.schema.models.LDAPSyntax, obj.syntax)
if syntax.not_human_readable: binary.add(attr)
return {
'attrs': { k: [base64.b64encode(val).decode()
if k in binary else val.decode()
for val in values]
for k, values in attrs.items() },
'meta': {
'dn': dn,
'required': [schema.get_obj(ldap.schema.models.AttributeType, a).names[0]
for a in must_attrs],
'aux': sorted(aux - ocs),
'binary': sorted(binary),
'hints': {}, # FIXME obsolete?
'autoFilled': [],
def _ename(entry: dict) -> Optional[str]:
'Try to extract a CN'
return entry['cn'][0].decode() if 'cn' in entry and entry['cn'] else None
def _dn_order(node):
'Reverse DN parts for tree ordering'
return tuple(reversed(node['dn'].lower().split(',')))
### LDAP Schema ###
schema = None
def _schema(schema_class):
'Get all objects from the schema for type'
for oid in schema.listall(schema_class):
obj = schema.get_obj(schema_class, oid)
if schema_class is ldap.schema.models.LDAPSyntax or not obj.obsolete:
yield obj
def _el(obj) -> dict:
'Basic information about an schema element'
name = obj.names[0]
return {
'oid' : obj.oid,
'name' : name[:1].lower() + name[1:],
'names' : obj.names,
'desc' : obj.desc,
'obsolete' : bool(obj.obsolete),
'sup' : sorted(obj.sup),
# Object class constants
0: 'structural',
1: 'abstract',
2: 'auxiliary',
def _oc(obj) -> dict:
'Additional information about an object class'
r = _el(obj)
'may' : sorted(obj.may),
'must' : sorted(obj.must),
'kind' : SCHEMA_OC_KIND[obj.kind]
return r
# Attribute usage constants
0: 'userApplications',
1: 'directoryOperation',
2: 'distributedOperation',
3: 'dSAOperation',
def _at(obj) -> dict:
'Additional information about an attribute'
r = _el(obj)
'single_value' : bool(obj.single_value),
'no_user_mod' : bool(obj.no_user_mod),
'usage' : SCHEMA_ATTR_USAGE[obj.usage],
# FIXME avoid null values below
'equality' : obj.equality,
'syntax' : obj.syntax,
'substr' : obj.substr,
'ordering' : obj.ordering,
return r
def _syntax(obj) -> dict:
'Additional information about an attribute syntax'
return {
'oid' : obj.oid,
'desc' : obj.desc,
'not_human_readable' : bool(obj.not_human_readable),
def _dict(key: str, items) -> dict:
'Create an dictionary with a given key'
return { obj[key].lower() : obj for obj in items }

server/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
import asyncio
from typing import AsyncGenerator, Dict, List, Tuple
import quart
async def result(msgid: int,) -> AsyncGenerator[Tuple[str, Dict[str, List[bytes]]], None]:
'Concurrently gather results'
while True:
r_type, r_data = quart.request.ldap.result(msgid=msgid, all=0, timeout=0)
# Throttle to 100 results / second
if r_type is None: await asyncio.sleep(0.01)
elif r_data == []: break
else: yield r_data[0]
async def unique(msgid: int) -> Tuple[str, Dict[str, List[bytes]]]:
'Concurrently collect a unique result'
res = None
async for r in result(msgid):
if res is None: res = r
raise ValueError("Expected unique result")
if res is None:
raise ValueError("Expected unique result")
return res
async def empty(msgid: int) -> None:
'Concurrently wait for an empty result'
async for r in result(msgid):
raise ValueError("Unexpected result")