using System.Globalization; using System.Text.Json; using System.Text.Json.Serialization; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Web; using HtmlAgilityPack; using QuestReader.Models; using QuestReader.Models.ParsedContent; namespace QuestReader.Services; public class QuestdenParse { public static readonly Version LatestCompatibleVersion = new(1, 0, 2); static Regex RefRegex { get; } = new Regex(@"^ref\|(questarch|questdis|quest)\|(\d+)\|(\d+)$", RegexOptions.Compiled); static Regex LongRefRegex { get; } = new Regex(@"(?:https?://)?(?:www.)?(?:tgchan|questden).org/kusaba/(questarch|questdis|quest)/res/(\d+).html#?i?(\d+)?$", RegexOptions.Compiled); static Regex DateRegex { get; } = new Regex(@"(\d{4,4})\/(\d\d)\/(\d\d)\(\w+\)(\d\d):(\d\d)", RegexOptions.Compiled); static Regex FilenameRegex { get; } = new Regex(@"File \d+\.[^ ]+ - \([\d\.KMG]+B , \d+x\d+ , (.*) \)", RegexOptions.Compiled); public static async Task> GetThread(int threadId, string destinationPath) { var url = $"{threadId}.html"; var options = new JsonSerializerOptions { PropertyNamingPolicy = JsonNamingPolicy.CamelCase, DefaultIgnoreCondition = JsonIgnoreCondition.WhenWritingNull, WriteIndented = true }; var doc = new HtmlDocument { OptionEmptyCollection = true }; // Todo: check if the thread data & parsed entity is of same version if (File.Exists(Path.Join(destinationPath, $"thread_{threadId}.json"))) return JsonSerializer.Deserialize>(File.ReadAllText("asd"), options) ?? throw new NullReferenceException("No data loaded"); var cacheDir = Path.Join(destinationPath, "cache"); var cacheFile = Path.Join(cacheDir, $"QuestDen-{threadId}.html"); if (!File.Exists(cacheFile)) { var httpClient = new HttpClient(); var content = await httpClient.GetStringAsync(url); if (!Directory.Exists(cacheDir)) Directory.CreateDirectory(cacheDir); File.WriteAllText(cacheFile, content); doc.LoadHtml(content); } else doc.LoadHtml(File.ReadAllText(cacheFile)); var nodes = doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes(".//*[@class='reply']|.//form[@id='delform']"); var posts = new List(); foreach (var node in nodes) { var post = ParsePost(node, threadId); posts.Add(post); } return posts; } public static ThreadPost ParsePost(string postHtml, int threadId) { var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument(); htmlDoc.LoadHtml(postHtml); return ParsePost(htmlDoc.DocumentNode.FirstChild, threadId); } public static ThreadPost ParsePost(HtmlNode postNode, int threadId) { var post = new ThreadPost { }; var id = postNode .SelectNodes("./div[@class='postwidth']/a[@name!='s']") .Single() .Attributes["name"].Value.Trim(); post.Id = id == "s" ? threadId : int.Parse(id); post.Title = postNode .SelectNodes("./div[@class='postwidth']//*[@class='filetitle']") .SingleOrDefault() ?.InnerText.Trim(); post.Author = postNode .SelectNodes("./div[@class='postwidth']//*[@class='postername']") .Single() .InnerText.Trim(); post.Uid = postNode .SelectNodes("./div[@class='postwidth']//*[@class='uid']") .Single() .InnerText.Trim() .Replace("ID: ", "", true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); post.Date = DateTime.Parse( DateRegex.Replace(postNode .SelectNodes("./div[@class='postwidth']/label/text()[last()]") .Single() .InnerText.Trim(), "$1-$2-$3T$4:$5" ), null, DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal | DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal ); post.File = postNode .SelectNodes("./div[@class='postwidth']//*[@class='filesize']/a") .SingleOrDefault() ?.Attributes["href"].DeEntitizeValue.Replace("/kusaba/questarch/src/", "").Trim(); var filenameRaw = postNode .SelectNodes("./div[@class='postwidth']//*[@class='filesize']") .SingleOrDefault() ?.InnerText.Trim(); if (filenameRaw is not null) { filenameRaw = Regex.Replace(filenameRaw, @"\s*\n\s*", " ", RegexOptions.Multiline); post.Filename = filenameRaw.Contains("File ") ? FilenameRegex.Match(filenameRaw)?.Groups[1]?.Value ?? null : null; } post.Tripcode = postNode .SelectNodes("./div[@class='postwidth']//*[@class='postertrip']") .SingleOrDefault() ?.InnerText.Trim(); post.RawHtml = Regex.Replace( postNode .SelectNodes("./blockquote") .Single() .InnerHtml .Replace("\r", " ") .Replace(@"

", "") .Trim(), @"\s*$", "" ); try { post.ParsedContent = ParseContent(post.RawHtml); } catch (FormatException) { Console.WriteLine($"\n{post.Id} {post.RawHtml.Replace("\r", "")}\n"); throw; } return post; } public static RootNode ParseContent(string postHtml) { var htmlDoc = new HtmlDocument(); htmlDoc.LoadHtml(postHtml); var parseResult = RecursiveParse(htmlDoc.DocumentNode); if (parseResult is not RootNode rootNode) throw new Exception("Parsing returned a non-RootNode root"); return rootNode; } private static ContentNode RecursiveParse(HtmlNode node, ContentNode? parentNode = null) { if (node is null) throw new NullReferenceException("Html node is null"); if (node is HtmlTextNode textNode) { var decoded = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(textNode.Text.Trim()); if (parentNode is QuoteNode) decoded = Regex.Replace(decoded, @"^>\s*", ""); return new TextNode { Text = decoded }; } if (node.NodeType is HtmlNodeType.Document or HtmlNodeType.Element) { ContentNode outNode = node.Name.ToLowerInvariant() switch { "a" when node.GetClasses().Count() == 1 && node.FirstChild?.NodeType == HtmlNodeType.Text && node.Descendants().Count() == 1 && node.GetClasses().Single() is var classname && RefRegex.Match(classname) is var match && match is not null && match.Success && HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(node.FirstChild?.InnerText) is var innerText && innerText is not null && (innerText == $">>{match.Groups[3].Value}" || innerText == $">>/{match.Groups[1].Value}/{match.Groups[3].Value}") => new ReferenceNode { PostId = int.Parse(match.Groups[3].Value), ThreadId = int.Parse(match.Groups[2].Value), ReferenceType = match.Groups[1].Value switch { "quest" => ReferenceType.QuestActive, "questarch" => ReferenceType.QuestArchive, "questdis" => ReferenceType.QuestDiscussion, _ => throw new InvalidDataException(""), }, LongReference = false }, "a" when !node.GetClasses().Any() && node.FirstChild is HtmlTextNode firstNode && firstNode is not null && node.Descendants().Count() == 1 && HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(firstNode.Text) is var nodeText && node.GetAttributeValue("href", "ERROR") == nodeText && LongRefRegex.Match(nodeText) is var match && match is not null && match.Success => new ReferenceNode { PostId = int.Parse((match.Groups[3]?.Success ?? false) ? match.Groups[3].Value : match.Groups[2].Value), ThreadId = int.Parse(match.Groups[2].Value), ReferenceType = match.Groups[1].Value switch { "quest" => ReferenceType.QuestActive, "questarch" => ReferenceType.QuestArchive, "questdis" => ReferenceType.QuestDiscussion, _ => throw new InvalidDataException(""), }, LongReference = true }, "a" when !node.GetClasses().Any() => new ExternalLinkNode { Destination = node.GetAttributeValue("href", "ERROR") }, "br" => new NewlineNode { }, "#document" => new RootNode { Version = LatestCompatibleVersion }, "i" => new ItalicsNode { }, "b" => new BoldNode { }, "strike" => new StrikeoutNode { }, "span" when node.GetClasses() is var classes && classes.Count() == 1 && classes.Single() == "spoiler" => new SpoilerNode { }, "span" when node.GetClasses() is var classes && classes.Count() == 1 && classes.Single() == "unkfunc" => new QuoteNode { }, "span" when node.GetAttributes() is var attributes && attributes.Count() == 1 && attributes.Single() is var maybeStyle && maybeStyle.Name == "style" && maybeStyle.DeEntitizeValue == @"border-bottom: 1px solid" => new UnderlineNode { }, "span" when node.GetAttributes() is var attributes && attributes.Count() == 1 && attributes.Single() is var maybeStyle && maybeStyle.Name == "style" && maybeStyle.DeEntitizeValue == @"font-size:small;" => new SmallFontNode { }, "span" when node.GetAttributes() is var attributes && attributes.Count() == 1 && attributes.Single() is var maybeStyle && maybeStyle.Name == "style" // Let's hope nobody used any colors beyond the hex ones... // But probably will need to add support for that. Eh, later! && Regex.Match(maybeStyle.DeEntitizeValue, @"^color:\s*(#[0-9a-f]{3,8});?$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) is var match && match is not null && match.Success => new ColorNode { Color = match.Groups[1].Value }, "span" when node.Descendants().Where( d => d is not HtmlTextNode || (d is HtmlTextNode textNode && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textNode.Text.Trim())) ) is var descendants && descendants.Count() == 1 && descendants.Single() is HtmlNode innerNode && innerNode.Name == "iframe" && innerNode.GetAttributeValue("src", null).Contains("youtube") => new YoutubeEmbedNode { VideoLink = innerNode.GetAttributes().Single(a => a.Name == "src").DeEntitizeValue }, // I have seen both being used but I am not sure as to the difference. Different software version? "div" or "span" when node.GetAttributes() is var attributes && attributes.Count() == 1 && attributes.Single() is var maybeStyle && maybeStyle.Name == "style" && maybeStyle.DeEntitizeValue == @"white-space: pre-wrap !important; font-family: monospace, monospace !important;" => new InlineCodeNode { }, _ => throw new InvalidDataException($"Unknown node parse attempt: {node.Name} #{node.Id} .{string.Join(".", node.GetClasses())}\n{node.OuterHtml}") }; if (outNode is ContainerNode container) { container.Nodes = node.ChildNodes .Select(n => RecursiveParse(n, container)) .Where(n => n is not TextNode || (n is TextNode textNode && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(textNode.Text))) .ToList(); } return outNode; } throw new Exception("Unsupported HTML node type"); } }